
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

There are jobs and then there are jobs

"Do you have to work tomorrow?" It was an innocent enough question, small talk really, it was the answer that was complicated.  I was at a medical conference fulfilling my continuing education requirements for licensure and it was my first time 'back' in that world since losing my job.  All around me were professional career people chatting about on call and full caseloads, working long hours in all weather.  That used to be me, and I really don't miss it.  I was a slave to my phone, it would ring at all hours and I'd be expected to go out and fix something, no matter the weather, family obligations, or hour of the day, regardless of sleep.  I missed the entire first year of my son's life; I had pneumonia one winter and refused to take time off work to go to the doctor or even go to bed, my job was too important.  I was an idiot!

I do work very part time, but my professional career is no longer my main 'job,' and I didn't expect the young lady with whom I was conversing to understand that.  How do you explain to a room full of professional career people that you gave it all up to stay at home with your kids and that your husband's career actually involves the whole family?  The first day of the conference was Sunday and I had actually planned to skip church and go that morning, but our musically talented people would all be gone so I ended up going to church and leaving right after I finished singing.  Nothing like leading worship and then dashing off to a medical conference!  Just another day in the life of a pastor's wife.  No, she wouldn't understand.  I gave some vague answer as the last session finished up and went home to attend to my real job, even if I don't get paid for it.

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