
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

On big hairy spiders

I'm not a coward, really, there is just something about uber fast creepy crawlies that I have never liked, that and the alien like limbs and eyes of a certain unnamed arachnid.  My small son discovered a rather impressive wolf spider (think half dollar with lots of hair) in the basement and we both went dashing for the stairs.  I don't mind ticks or domestic rats, snakes and I have a mutual understanding of allowing one another plenty of space, insects (except maybe the giant water bug) never bothered me, but ugh, spiders!  And those centipedes and camel crickets, which are just like spiders except for the leg thing.  I've been chased by disgruntled cattle and even an overly large pig, a horse once gave me a concussion, but it is still spiders I loath, though I've never even been bit by one, go figure!

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