
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

On gifts for the kids in your life...

The parent in me rather dreads Christmas, with a house near to bursting with stuff, why do we need more?  But all our well meaning family and friends cannot fathom why another toy, especially of the obnoxious and electronic sort, would be unwelcome; obviously such devices did not exist when they or their children were small (or they'd understand) or they are enacting their own form of delighted revenge upon whom they may, having suffered in their own turn.  But all my pleas for books and blocks or contributions to his educational fund fall on deaf ears (perhaps the result of too many din inducing toys in their own turn?).  So it is I banish the less offensive to the basement and heartlessly yank out batteries from the most grievous offenders, if I do not banish them from the house entirely, Grinch that I am, but all have had thorough warning, even before our little bundle of joy (noisy enough in his own right) even came home.

But strangely, he doesn't seem to notice or care.  He is intrigued for a day or an hour, but soon enough, the device is relegated to obscurity and quickly forgotten as he returns to his favorite essentials: cars and tractors, animals (stuffed and plastic), blocks, a wagon, dining room chairs draped in a blanket (though you can buy a set of plastic connectable tubes out of a fancy catalog to achieve the same result, which seems rather silly when you already possess the means), quiet, low tech, and endlessly entertaining when combined with an active imagination!  I will admit, we are raising him 'amish,' with little screen time save an occasional movie and skyping with the grandparents (which in itself has confused him about normal phone calls, he can't figure out why he can hear a voice without seeing a person!).  I'm not sure what normal, tech addicted kids find interesting or amusing, but my '80's throwback certainly prefers the mundane basics of many an ancient childhood and thrives thereupon.

Then again, our church's kid program hosts several dozen 'techy' kids every week, and they seem absolutely fascinated by the ever intriguing balloon (ages 3-12).  These fast paced, split second attention span, high tech kids are riveted to that red or green, air filled sphere, as if it were the newest iPhone, released two days early for their sole consumption.  Then there is the political correctness factor to be considered, guns being absolutely anathema for little boys in this enlightened day and age, but if I took away his lego 'gun' he'd simply use his hand or a stick or whatever, apparently people who think they can legislate or enforce such ideals have never been parents to little boys.  Neither can I convince him to put away the 'gun' and to play quietly with some acceptable, gender neutral toy, quite contrary to popular thought and trendy parenting, this little boy seems hardwired and very determined to be just that: loud, noisy, rambunctious, and joyfully so.

So what is to be done by the well meaning gift giver, in the age of 'the techy-ier' the better?  Forget about tech and go old school (be retro?).  Don't just buy them a book, read it to them.  Don't just give them blocks, build a castle with them.  Or forgo stuff altogether and rather go caroling with them to the local shut-ins, work at a soup kitchen together, shovel the neighbor's walk, make cookies, go see a good movie (or host your own), make Christmas dinner together...they'll love it and the memories will long outlast whatever techno gadget you thought they couldn't live without, that and you'll earn their parents' undying gratitude!

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