
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

This ain't my grandma's rolling pin?!

I've never bought a rolling pin, I inherited two from my great grandmother, one I used and the other was resigned to my son's play dough obsession.  Then my pin broke and I had to recommission the play clay pin back into service but while it had adorable red handles, the handles were already starting to fall off.  So I had to buy a rolling pin.  I had no idea there were so many shapes, types, and materials before.  Where do you even start?  So I did the wise thing and googled it.  I found a great article and ended up ordering their second pick off Amazon because I had a few other things to get and I like free shipping.  I was certainly leery about ordering that my husband called 'a baseball bat' and looks to all extents and purposes like a club, but I had ordered it and it was too late to cancel the order.  I'm used to the traditional pin, not just a straight hunk of wood!

But it came and I tried it.  It was wonderful, I love it, I feel like I've just discovered the wheel, except it's a stick.  Weird!  Now I have two feet of solid maple lurking in a kitchen drawer to wield against various types of dough and insolent banditti and it will literally last forever (unless the house burns down or my son gets ahold of it for batting practice).  The only downside was that some genius decided to stick a very superior label (in its adhesive abilities) to the working surface of the pin (a common complaint in the comments on this particular item) but using a remedy recommended in said comments, I applied canola oil to the label, letting it soak in for a few minutes and then used my finger nail to gradually loosen the edges (adding more oil as necessary) and eventually got it off without damage.  I ended up oiling the entire pin because it seemed to make the wood a bit smoother and deepened the color, it seemed a little dry prior to that, but besides for the label snafu, it is a superior product, and this from the person who never knew there was such a thing just the week before!

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