
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Professional Mom

As you might be aware, we had a wonderful baby girl join our family rather unexpectedly six weeks ago, getting notice the day she was born and bringing her home two days later.  We flew to Boston and back with a 2 week old infant and survived.  The next already scheduled, too late to cancel item on the to-do list was a professional conference to fulfill my continuing education requirements for licensure.  Can you even bring an infant to a professional conference?  As a pastor's wife, I was used to seeing the new moms in back with their tiny children at various ministry events but this was the professional world, certainly not as family friendly as your average women's conference!  There was nothing saying that she couldn't come but there were no guidelines saying she could.  So I decided to risk it, at least if it was okay with the lady I was staying with, she gave the okay so I tried it.

I remember some of the larger conferences providing day care, nursing facilities, and changing rooms for moms with small kids so at least there was some expectation of family needs at something of the sort.  If this was a first child or she was a fussy baby, I'm not sure it would work, or even if she was a bit older and didn't sleep the majority of the time it might have been awkward, but as she settles down the second you stick a bottle in her mouth, she did phenomenal.  She was also a pretty good plus one, as I'm pretty socially inept when I don't know anybody but a baby is an easy conversation starter with just about anyone.  I even managed to learn as much as usual.  I wasn't the only one with a small child or two in tow either.  I think it is actually quite doable with the right child and the proper planning and consideration for others (they are paying good money to be there, they didn't come to hear a screaming child).

We sat in back, ready to flee the room the moment the baby started to fuss inconsolably (she didn't).  I was prepared for all eventualities (bottle ready, pacifier, car seat for naps, blanket topped empty chair for stretching out/tummy time, baby carrier for hands free 'I need to be held' time).  I got there early and left last to avoid crowding and to set up/break camp.  Everything was lecture style in a hotel conference room so it was easy enough to just sit and listen/jot down notes, but this really would have been a horrible idea had we been actually doing anything active (nothing like sticking your arm up a cow's butt while wearing a baby!) or been moving around much.  Also consider the venue: an adult only resort, a boat, or third world nation would not have been a good idea.  We also skipped most of the social functions (an 8 hour day was long enough for the poor kid, staying up until one at the bar fraternizing afterwards would have been pure misery!).

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