
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Monday, January 21, 2019

An actually edible, wheat free pizza crust!

I've had stomach trouble for nearly a decade, a potluck or eating at a restaurant has taken on all the fun of 'Russian Roulette,' never knowing what will make me sick for days on end.  I finally took a blood test to see if we could figure out what I might be sensitive to (that's a whole other post!); it will be interesting to see how accurate this test is, a few things came back as okay which I know make me sick (like beef) and several things are really bad that I seem to tolerate (wheat!).  Wheat (not gluten) came back in the severe category, which is very sad as I am VERY fond of bread and baked goods.  Short of starving to death, I can't cut everything out of my diet, but of the main culprits, that would be the one I am most likely to be able to live without.  So I began sifting through recipes for wheat free alternatives.  I can survive with corn tortillas, rice, and potatoes, but it will be the bread I miss.  I have no interest in wheat free breads, I know it is possible, but it is really expensive and it just isn't the same, I'd rather go without than eat the 'fake stuff.'  I also am something of a Vega-phobe (I'm afraid of veggies) so the spiralized vegetables, spaghetti squash, and cauliflower-turned-pizza crust/pasta really won't do it for me either.  I can survive without toast, buns, bagels, and the like, but we eat a lot of pizza at our house and that's something I will miss.  Thus began the search for a wheat free, non-cauliflower pizza crust.

And happily I found one, and even my kids and even more Vega-phobe hubby will eat it.  Here's the original recipe.  Cheese and eggs, that's it, sorry vegans, there's nothing on this pizza for you, but that just means more cauliflower for you right, win win!  Mix 3 cups shredded cheese (I did 2 mozzarella and one colbyjack) with 3 eggs, spread thin on a well greased cookie pan, bake at 450 until brown on the edges and golden in the middle, add your toppings, and place under the broiler until toasty.  It's a little flimsy (you'll need a fork) but otherwise it is a very close approximation without resorting to cauliflower.  Enjoy!

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