
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Not the answer to life, the universe, and everything but vital nonetheless

Before we went on our Alaskan cruise, I scoured the interweb looking for data to help me determine whether it was worthwhile to take a tripod along, but I found very little advice one way or the other (apparently one of those rare topics that does not cause controversy, wars, and divorce on social media).  The only other topic with so little extant web knowledge that I have yet discovered is a certain brand of guitar they quit making in the late '60's.  So for those of you dying to know whether you should take a tripod on your next sailing adventure, I will try and fill in the gap of knowledge and thereby earn my place among the pantheon of those who place a cornerstone of knowledge online that google might dig it up randomly and bequeath it to needy minds.  So whether you need a tripod for your camera, your spotting scope, or as a date (since your significant other dumped you right before your special trip), here is the final verdict: it depends.

Yes, there you have it, the final answer on all things tripodal and nautical.  Which is exactly the verdict I reached from the available data ere setting forth.  If you want to use a spotting scope at all, by all means bring it along.  If you want a few pictures of you and your special somebody and don't want to ask any old Dr. Jekyl or Mr. Hyde to snap it, ditto.  If you have extra room in your luggage, go for it.  If you want someone who is quiet and listens and obedient to your every demand, go for it.  If you want someone who can dance, I'd skip it, as the thing sometimes has 3 left feet.  If you aren't an avid photographer or bird watcher, skip it.  If you are already strapped for room or weight, skip it.  There you have it.  I had room and brought it along and used it for a few shots of me and the hubby all dressed up and used it on deck a few times to try and get a view of something far away with the spotting scope (every pirate needs a telescope, right?) but I probably would not have missed the thing.  But as far as roommates go, the thing won't snore, so there is that to consider.  And if you dress them right, that tall, lean look is attractive, right?:

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