
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The secret to a happy home

Have you ever noticed your home has an attitude, an ambiance, a feeling peculiar to itself?  It does, if you take the time to notice.  What does it say to those entering your door, to the inmates thereof?  What do you want it to say?  I grew up surrounded by dread and fear, disappointment, shame, anger, and despair; I hated going home, no one ever left the light on for me.  I had roommates, not a family.  But that is not what yours (or mine) has to be.

Yes, the decor and design have some effect, but any domicile be it hut or mansion, can be 'homey' with the right inhabitants and a little creativity.  It is not so much the stuff as the people, what is their attitude towards life, themselves, and others?  The ambiance of your surroundings can certainly influence your mood, reinforcing or soothing what is already there, but it is also your attitude that sets the mood of the home.  You can certainly brighten up a room with natural light or a bright paint color or a cheery print, but it is the heart of the dwellers that ultimately determines the ambiance of a home.

Have you ever just walked into a room and could literally, ''cut the tension with a knife," that is what I am talking about.  Is it a place of peace and joy, haven and rest, or is it chaotic or stressful or depressing or angry?  If it is the latter, new paint won't do much, it would be wiser to start by remodeling your heart.  If the principle dwellers in your house are angry or bitter or depressed in how they look at life, it will translate into the ambiance of the home.  So before you buy new drapes in hopes of brightening things up a bit, maybe pull back the shades of your heart and see how deep the dust is piled, it might be time for a little spring cleaning therein.  A happy home is very possible, but it all starts on the inside.

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