
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Who cares what you call it, it is chocolate!

I'm a huge fan of 'pudding cake' and always on the lookout for an interesting variant (one of those lovely confections that's half cake half pudding and all chocolate).  I'd love to call this 'recipe' "Brownie Pudding," but alas, that moniker already belongs to Better Homes and Gardens and is one of my favorites for quick, warm, chocolaty goodness with stuff I already have on hand.  I found the original recipe for this version on Pinterest for the crockpot.  The results were good, but not great, it was also about impossible to tell when the thing was done (the original called for a 7 quart crock, mine is a 3.5 so it was about twice as thick which is probably the problem); the edges were burned while the center was still a liquid mess and as I tried to scoop it out the stuff 'fried' along the super hot edges of the crock, cooking it but making it hard to tell exactly how long I should leave it in the crock for future reference.  Instead, I tried it in the oven in a 9x13 pan with much better results (it was also quicker).

1 box brownies, batter prepared per box instructions (for a 9x13 batch)
1 box instant chocolate pudding, prepared per box directions (4 servings)
Ice cream

Spread brownie batter in a 9x13 cake pan and top with pudding.  Bake at 350 until set but not firm, will be jiggly like jello but solid around the edges, if still liquidy, bake a little longer; middle should bubble occassionally.  Serve with ice cream (absolutely not optional!).  Definitely tastier than the original 'brownie pudding' recipe but also a bit more expensive to make.  The pudding layer is on top rather than on the bottom with this version.  Upside down brownie pudding?

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