
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

My good opinion once lost...

I remember someone had a shirt in high school (one of the few things I remember from that bygone era) that had a picture of a very grouchy looking Yosemite Sam on it with the saying, 'if I want your opinion I'll give it to you.'  I was rather puzzled back then as to the meaning of the shirt, but now I get it.  My only conundrum now is how is it that Yosemite Sam knows what it is to be a mother in this day and age?

I am so tired of everyone and their dog, well maybe not the dog, dogs at least don't talk, but everyone else has an opinion on what my baby should be doing at this moment developmentally and if she isn't,  they know instinctively how to rectify the matter, especially if they've never had kids.  Complete strangers at the grocery store, grandparents, the garbage man and UPS guy, the internet is rife with such personages...  Yes, she spits up, a lot.  No, she isn't sleeping through the night.  Okay, her head is maybe a wee bit flat but we have her on her stomach as much as physically possible.  Yes, we've tried just about everything, so please no more comments about cereal, which supposedly fixes everything from spit-up to midnight feedings (it doesn't, at least not for my kid), or burping or essential oils or...  Unless you spend 24/7 with this budding human, please do not weigh in on the subject unless asked, what worked for your kid or that internet guru may or may not work for ours, but we've probably already tried it, so thanks for your concern and good intentions, but please, no more good advice!

I think that may be the best gift anyone can give a mom, new or veteran: silence, blissful silence, at least when it comes to 'how' to mother.  She knows this child better than anyone ever will, she knows what works and what doesn't.  She's stressed and guilty and terrified enough, please don't make her feel even more so.  Give her your unflagging support and encouragement instead, tell her what she's doing well or that her baby looks great or just listen as she unloads verbally about sleepless nights and screaming infants or maybe even have a real adult conversation with her that has nothing to do with co-sleeping or organic diapers!

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