
Yes, (evil laughter), another Mommy Blog (more evil laughter)!!! Life is a story, mine at the moment just happens to occur mostly at home, which means no sword fights or dragons, but plenty of peril, misadventure, and food. Like all good stories we will skip the boring parts (like laundry). So gird up your loins and let us commence with some real domestic adventures; don't forget your sense of humor.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Going to pieces

I said I would never do it again, the last time it took me 20 years, this time it took me 48 hours.  My husband was gone for 2 days, so in the interim I succumbed to some sort of 'nesting' induced madness and cut out, sewed together, and hand stitched a binding on a Queen sized quilt.  My three year old and I binge watched Jane Austen movies and disney cartoons from the early 90's while I sewed like a maniac.  I am not a fervent sewer (I can sew a straight seam and that's about it) and I have no idea what got into me.  The great news is that I discovered a way to make a quilt without any actual quilting.  Last time I paid someone to do it, this time I just cheated.

Upon my marriage, I inherited a comforter of the same vintage as my beloved disney movies and it was the ugliest thing ever, never seeing the light of day unless a house full of guests invaded, requiring every blanket in my possession for their comfort; it was probably the worst dowry ever.  I ripped out the original seam and intended to use only the batting and the black fabric from the bottom, but the thing was so old and decrepit that one could literally see through the original fabric, instead, I just sewed a new quilt top over the entire thing then put on a new binding and voila, a quilt with no quilting.

I also had in my possession a set of queen size flannel sheets, and even though I love flannel sheets, I had never used these even though I had had them in my possession for 8 years.  Why?  I am not a cat loving spinster in my late 50's.  And while the giant, smiling snowmen on the flat sheet and the pillowcases were cute and no doubt impressed my mother (who meets the above description and bought said sheets on clearance and presented them to me as a christmas gift, little believing anyone could have taste differing so greatly from her own), I had never been forced by necessity to use them.  So I hacked them to shreds (or rather into blocks and binding strips), sewed them together and made a rather adorable (and soft) comforter.  What was unpalatable as a whole, was actually rather pleasing in six inch squares and will now find daily use in the colder months rather than moldering in my linen closet for another decade,

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